Love Thyself

An empowering, deeply healing, and transformative program designed to support you in honoring, loving, and embracing your divine self.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just...

Love yourself fully

Get rid of all the negative self-talk and negative self-image

Stop self-sabotaging

Move beyond limiting beliefs

Finally, understand where all this comes from, how to release it, and what to do if it ever shows up again.

Whether you've been trying to love yourself on your own or you've been working with support, if you just aren't getting there or you feel like you want to go deeper in your self-love, my work is geared to finding the root of what keeps you unable to love yourself fully.

When I was little, I had a family member tell me over and over and over again that I was stupid, fat, and ugly.

I worked on loving myself for years, using positive affirmations and guided meditations, but the final release of all that negativity and emotional baggage came when I figured out what was at the root of it all - the deep wounding caused by someone's hurtful words.

You are beautiful, you are powerful, and you are divine. And what I want is for you to own that and live it. 

That's why I dove in with my proven Intrinsic Energy Work process and created my Love Thyself program. 

It's designed to help you take action and heal those deeper wounds that stop you from loving who you are, totally and completely.

Here's Where I Come In...

I'm Christine Agro, a Metaphysical Authority, Clairvoyant, & Master Energy Work, and the creator of the proven process of Intrinsic Energy Work

My purpose is to give you the ability to not only understand how life works but also the tools to navigate your circumstances and live your true expression. 

 As an award-winning author and course creator, I have supported over 250,000 people around the world as they step into the consciousness of their deep innate power. 

I am passionate about taking complex concepts and turning them into energy tools that are simple to learn and simple to use.  And I would absolutely love to support you in your deeper healing and guide you to a beautiful place of loving yourself.

Every program I offer includes learning, healing, and conscious awareness shifts and tools from my Intrinsic Energy Work proven process. 

 The key to your healing and growth rests not in what you know but in being able to release everything that doesn't belong to you, doesn't serve you, and maybe wasn't even yours to begin with.

Client Success!

"I transformed from being an insecure, worried pessimist to a confident, empowered individual. "

Wow! Wow! Wow! I have read many self-help books and attended various seminars over the years and came away thinking ‘yes, I want to feel or be like that’ …but they never quite told me HOW to get where I wanted to be. The ‘how’ was always missing. But not with Christine. She teaches you how to transform into the person you want to be and helps you develop the tools you need to support you as you navigate your life journey. You actually do the work and are responsible for your growth with Christine's guidance and insight. I transformed from being an insecure, worried pessimist to a confident, empowered individual.

Carolyn C.
Happy Student

Intrinsic Energy Work Program
Here's Exactly What You Are Getting

If you struggle with negative self-talk, insecurity, uncertainty, and/or a negative body image, this program will help you find the root of those wounds and untrue beliefs 

and support you in loving yourself fully and completely. 

Self-Directed Deep Healing & Growth Modules

Christine guides you through your deeper healing and growth works by creating bite-sized video lessons (also available in audio only) that guide you through the program's content. Check below for the focus of each module. You're going to love it!


Get-it-Done SPaces

Let's face it, we can have the best intentions when we sign up for a program, but without some accountability, we may just never get around to doing the work. Christine offers Get-It-Done spaces with every self-directed program, to support you in getting the program done. You receive 4 Get-It-Done spaces with this program.

Live Classes or Office Hours

Depending on when you join you'll either receive 4 live classes or an invitation to 4 office hours where you can ask Christine questions and get deeper insight. This is an invaluable resource for your healing and growth work. 


MODULE 1 - Overcoming Negative Self-Talk 

In this module, we will search for the root of your negative self-talk, looking for the pictures, programming, and wounds that contribute to it, and then, we'll use my proven Intrinsic Energy Work process to help you release and clear it. Plus, you'll gain insight into your negative self-talk and how to navigate it should a new layer pop up down the road.

MODULE 2 - Overcoming Insecurity

In this module, we explore the root of insecurity - whether you stress about how people see you or fear you won't be liked. Insecurity is connected to several dynamics, including being an empath, seeking external validation, feeling like you are not enough, and people pleasing. We'll dig into what can contribute to feeling insecure, where the dynamic comes from, and then do the deeper healing work to both understand what you carry and give you the tools to release it.

MODULE 3 - Overcoming Uncertainty 

In this module, we explore uncertainty as a product of pictures, programming, and wounding that lead you to question your own insight and information. We will use my proven Intrinsic Energy Work process to clear, heal, and release, as well as learn how to own your truth, bring in your own information and tap into your inner knowingness. All of which lead to developing Certainty.

MODULE 4 - Overcoming Negative Body Image

In this module, we explore the pictures, programming, and wounding that lead to a negative body image.  We will use my proven Intrinsic Energy Work process to clear, heal, and release pictures and programming we have absorbed from the media, society, family, friends, and comparison. We will also use our tools to heal our deeper wounds as we check in to see what has shifted and what work remains.

MODULE 5 - Loving Yourself

We end the program with a full module on Loving Yourself. Through Intrinsic Energy Work and a few other energy techniques, Christine supports you in fully and completely loving yourself. 

Attention, Soul Seekers...

This program is 100% for you if you are looking for deeper healing, conscious growth, and a more clear picture of how and why you feel the way you do at times. Once you complete Love Thyself you will:

Feel lighter, brighter, and more able to tap into your true self.

Have a basket full of Intrinsic Energy Tools as well as insight into how and why you experience things in the way you do.

Have moved the needle on your Conscious Growth and deep healing by doing empowering and life-changing energy work.

'Anxiety and self-doubt ran my life at one time. Now, if those feelings come up, I can look at what is at the heart of them and use my tools to shift my experience...'

What is so special about working with Christine is her unique ability to provide clear insight toward growth and healing while also empowering me with the tools to find my own answers. 

 Anxiety and self-doubt ran my life at one time. Now, if those feelings come up, I can look at what is at the heart of them and use my tools to shift my experience. 

 When I work with Christine, I feel renewed energy and a deeper sense of myself and my divine purpose. 

 My eyes are open to more possibilities than ever before, and that’s really exciting!

Amanda P.
Empowered Student
'I have since stepped into a brighter and more expansive space where oodles of potential exists, and I feel self-empowered, and I don't cry all the time anymore.'

Christine offered me was a way into myself. I have always done work & explored many things, but Christine taught me techniques & gave me tools I had never even thought of before for how to go inside, look around, discover, heal and grow. 

 Besides liking & trusting Christine, I chose to work with her because I was starving for a deeper connection with myself. I was also having trouble with intimate relationship dynamics, holding my space (which I didn’t know at the time), low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and self-trust, and I cried all the time.

I am still a work in progress, but I am so much more self-aware now as a result of our work together. I have an inner peace that I never had before. I have learned how to hold my boundaries, and for the first time in my life, I can discern who I am, independent from the people around me & from the collective. 

Before working with Christine, I was an unaware sponge, absorbing emotions & thought forms from everywhere, and assumed it was all mine. I carried tons of shame and self-doubt. 

I have since stepped into a brighter and more expansive space where oodles of potential exists, and I feel self-empowered, and I don't cry all the time anymore.

Julie B.
Self-Aware Student
Have a burning question?
  • Is this just meditation?
    No, it isn't. My work is rooted in the following:
    my ability to see everything and everything as energy
    my ability to then create energy work tools to help heal what I see.
    my ability to empower you to do your own work.
  • Do I need experience?
    You do not need any prior experience.
    This work meets you where you are in your growth and healing.
  • What if I'm not good at visualization?
    or whatever your worry is - this work is meant to stir up all those things that keep you from moving forward, healing, and growing. Things like 'what if I'm not good at...' are the exact energies we want to clear. As long as you are willing to notice those thoughts and use the tools I share to move them out, you'll be fine. (PS everyone can see - it's often that we have preconceived notions of what seeing energy should be like. If this is you, I'll have a special lesson to help you start to navigate this.)
  • Can I get a refund
    There are no refunds for program enrollment. When you sign up, there is a reason you signed up, and you start to do healing and growth work right then and there, whether you recognize it or not. All programs are recorded so that you can step into them when the timing is right. You will have at least one year from the registration date to complete the program.
  • How is this work different from meditation?
    Meditation is a rational mind activity designed to calm, and quiet, and support your mental body. Intrinsic Energy Work® is a deep healing process that supports your whole being and gives you the tools to do your inner growth work.
  • How long do I have to complete the program?
    You have at least a year from your registration date to complete the program. I don't like to say you have indefinitely to complete it because as information changes, this program may become obsolete, and I will archive it. If I intend to archive it, I will give everyone advance notice so that they can complete the program if they desire.
  • How much time will I need?
    Most modules can be done within a single Get It Done space, lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. So plan on setting aside an hour or so a week.
  • Other questions?
    Please use the chat box or email me at
Now is the time to support yourself!
Step Into Love Thyself Today
and start an empowering healing & growth process.

Contact information

Billing address

You agree that this is a self-directed program and that there are no refunds.
You will have unlimited access to the program for as long it is current.
From time to time, programs are retired because they become out of date. Should this happen, you will have an opportunity to download the material via email notification.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Love Thyself Program$497

  • Total payment
  • 1xLove Thyself Program$497

All prices in USD
